Building a Kotlin project 2/2

Building a Kotlin project 2/2

Ciro Rizzo
Part 2

In the previous post we started a new project from scratch, and adjusted the build.gradle for the Kitten App purpose.

The next steps are going to be the programming of the elements of the app.

Data Model

One of the main features of the app is to retrieve data through Internet via the

The complete API call will be i.e.

The API sends back an XML file like this one


It needs to deserialize in order to get the url property containing the location of the Kitten image.

Kotlin has a very useful class called data class that is perfect for the purpose.

Let's starting to create a new class file in the model.cats package using right click on it and New->Kotlin File/Class and call it Cats and choose Class as kind.

In order to structure the class as the XML file received the Cats.kt will be as the following

data class Cats(var data: Data? = null)

data class Data(var images: ArrayList<Image>? = null)

data class Image(var url: String? = "", var id: String? = "", var source_url: String? = "")

So far very simple... The same class in Java is much longer!

The Kotlin Data Class has several benefits, some of them are that the compiler generates getter(), setter() and toString() methods, and many more like equals() hashCode() and copy(). So it's the perfect class to use to deserialize data

API Call

There are many ways to retrieve data through the network, and different libraries to handle it. One of these libraries is the Retrofit2 library from Square. This is a very powerful HTTPClient and easy to set up.

Let's start with the interface and create it under the network package. Call it CatAPI as shown

interface CatAPI {
    @GET("/api/images/get?format=xml&results_per_page=" + BuildConfig.MAX_IMAGES_PER_REQUEST)
    fun getCatImageURLs(): Observable<Cats>

The interface will manage the Get request to the API Endpoint /api/images/get?format=xml&results_per_page=. In this case the param results_per_page retrieve its numerical value from the constant defined in the build.gradle called MAX_IMAGES_PER_REQUEST that will have different values depending on the buildTypes used.

buildTypes {
    debug {
        buildConfigField("int", "MAX_IMAGES_PER_REQUEST", "10")

This method is very useful to have different value of constants in case we're using debug type or release one i.e. especially in case you need to access to the debug API instead of the production one

About the interface CatAPI is very interesting the function called to manage the callback from the API fun getCatImageURLs(): Observable<Cats>

So the next step is its implementation. Let's create a new class under the same package (network) and call it CatAPINetwork as this

class CatAPINetwork {
    fun getExec(): Observable<Cats> {
        val retrofit = Retrofit.Builder()

        val catAPI: CatAPI = retrofit.create(

        return catAPI.getCatImageURLs().

The fun getExec(): Observable<Cats> is implicitly public so that means available to be called by outside this class.

The line .addConverterFactory(SimpleXmlConverterFactory.create()) indicates to use the XML converter to deserialize the result form the API call.

Then the .addCallAdapterFactory(RxJavaCallAdapterFactory.create()) is the call adapter to use on the API Callback

The return lines referring to the RxJava Observable

return catAPI.getCatImageURLs().


The Presenter modules are in charge of managing the logic of the app and to bind data between the View and the Model.

In our case it will implement the method called by the View to retrieve the API data and send them to the Adapter in charge to show up.

In order to communicate with the View we're starting to create its interface called MasterPresenter under the package presenter as the followed

interface MasterPresenter {
    fun connect(imagesAdapter: ImagesAdapter)
    fun getMasterRequest()

The first function fun connect(imagesAdapter: ImagesAdapter) will be used to connect the Adapter interface to show data, and the fun getMasterRequest() will be the one to start the API request.

Let's the implementations in a new class under the same presenter package and call it MasterPresenterImpl

class MasterPresenterImpl : MasterPresenter {
    lateinit private var imagesAdapter: ImagesAdapter

    override fun connect(imagesAdapter: ImagesAdapter) {
        this.imagesAdapter = imagesAdapter

    override fun getMasterRequest() {

    private fun getObservableMasterRequest(catAPINetwork: CatAPINetwork): Observable<Cats> {
        return catAPINetwork.getExec()

Interesting line at lateinit private var imagesAdapter: ImagesAdapter where Kotlin give us the chance to declare a Non-Nullable mutable object without initialization thanks to lateinit keyword. So it will be initialize at the first time it will be used at runtime; in our case on calling the fun connect(imagesAdapter: ImagesAdapter).

The function fun getMasterRequest() is in charge of starting the API call, just set the Observable in order to be subscribed by the Adapter (i.e. imagesAdapter) after starts the catAPINetwork.getExec() that executes the API call

View section

In the view package are collected the classes to manage the UI. Basically are the View and the Adapter ones; in our case MainActivity and ImagesAdapter.


Before starting with their implementation, let's go through the Layout designing.

Kitten App To design it we need basically of two elements the main container and the item container.

The main container is the element containing the list of the item and we're going to place it in the activity_main.xml contained in the res->layout folder of the project; this one has been automatically created during the initial phase of Project Creation.

For our app we need to inject in a RecyclerView component (a very powerful and optimized component for listing views).

The activity_main.xml will be like shown

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""

        android:layout_centerInParent="true" />

The component containerRecyclerView represents the main container of the list of item

The row_card_view.xml is the item container of our list and basically it appears like this

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


            android:contentDescription="@string/cat_image" />

As you can see the item container is the card_view that basically is composed by a RelativeLayout containing an ImageView (imgVw_cat)


Now we've got basic elements of the Layout, so let's move on implementing the MainActivity and the Adapter.

Starting on Adapter the first thing to create is its interface in order to be invoked by the previous MasterPresenterImpl so let's create a new file in the view package and called it ImagesAdapter and write it down like this

interface ImagesAdapter {
    fun setObservable(observableCats: Observable<Cats>)
    fun unsubscribe()

The function setObservable(observableCats: Observable<Cats>) is called by MasterPresenterImpl to set the Observable and give the Adapter to subscribe to it.

The unsubscribe() function will be invoked by the MainActivity to unsubscribe the Adapter from the Observable when the activity is destroyed.

Now let's implement them in a new class under the same package called ImagesAdapterImpl that appears like that

class ImagesAdapterImpl : RecyclerView.Adapter<ImagesAdapterImpl.ImagesURLsDataHolder>(), ImagesAdapter {
    private val TAG =

    private var cats: Cats? = null
    private val subscriber: Subscriber<Cats> by lazy { getSubscribe() }

    override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): ImagesURLsDataHolder {
        return ImagesURLsDataHolder(
                LayoutInflater.from(parent.context).inflate(R.layout.row_card_view, parent, false))

    override fun getItemCount(): Int {
        return cats?.data?.images?.size ?: 0

    override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: ImagesURLsDataHolder, position: Int) {
        holder.bindImages(cats?.data?.images?.get(position)?.url ?: "")

    private fun setData(cats: Cats?) {
        this.cats = cats

    override fun setObservable(observableCats: Observable<Cats>) {

    override fun unsubscribe() {
        if (!subscriber.isUnsubscribed) {

    private fun getSubscribe(): Subscriber<Cats> {
        return object : Subscriber<Cats>() {
            override fun onCompleted() {
                Log.d(TAG, "onCompleted")

            override fun onNext(cats: Cats) {
                Log.d(TAG, "onNextNew")

            override fun onError(e: Throwable) {
                //TODO : Handle error here
                Log.d(TAG, "" + e.message)

    class ImagesURLsDataHolder(view: View) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(view) {

        fun bindImages(imgURL: String) {

This is the class inflate the row_card_view.xml, basically the item container as you can see at function onCreateViewHolder

The function getSubscribe() provide to subscribe the Adapter to the Observable used at line private val subscriber: Subscriber<Cats> by lazy { getSubscribe() } where you can notice the lazy initialization, this is a way to declare an unmutable object (i.e. subscriber) and it'll be created through the function enclosed in the braces (i.e. getSubscribe()) at the first invocation at runtime.

The Subscriber and Observable concepts comes from RxJava; We can dig deeper in some next posts

At the end, a very interesting piece of code is the inner class called ImagesURLsDataHolder used to fill up the imgVw_cat using the Glide library, that helps to retrieve the image from the passed URL extracted by the API call. This part is wrapped in the function bindImages(imgURL: String) and invoked by the method onBindViewHolder in the same file.


Last but not least the the Activity (i.e. MainActivity)

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
    private val imagesAdapterImpl: ImagesAdapterImpl by lazy { ImagesAdapterImpl() }

    private val masterPresenterImpl: MasterPresenterImpl
            by lazy {

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {


    override fun onDestroy() {

    private fun initRecyclerView() {
        containerRecyclerView.layoutManager = GridLayoutManager(this, 1)
        containerRecyclerView.adapter = imagesAdapterImpl

    private fun connectingToMasterPresenter() {

    private fun getURLs() {

Notice the functions

  • initRecyclerView()
  • connectingToMasterPresenter()
  • getURLs()

Respectively used to

  • initialize the main container (i.e. RecyclerView)
  • connecting the MainActivity to the MasterPresenterImpl and pass to it the interface of the ImagesAdapterImpl (aka Adapter)
  • getURLs() starts the API request to retrieve the XML data, and so executing the followed tasks (deserialize data, retrieving images through Adapter).

The Kitten App is now ready to run. In any case you can find the entire project on my Github Repository of the KShow project. The same project has been written in Java as well JShows so you can comparing them


This post is also available in Chinese on A special thanks for the translation to the Team